Mission & Vision

Where we are headed and how we plan to get there!

Our Mission

Following Jesus Together. Sharing His Hope.

As a church family we want to look more and more like Jesus in how we love as we pursue him together. As we gather, we want to further understand the incredible riches of his love and grace a little more each and every time. We want to see the amazing news of forgiveness transform ourselves and the community of Ladner. We believe the world is in desperate need for good news and that the good news of Jesus is truly the best news around!

Our Vision

Everyone Together- Belonging, Growing, Serving, Reaching out.

When we picture where we want to be, this is it! We dream of a day where we are unified, at peace, and together. We dream of being a family where people feel like they belong with us, a family that is looking more like Jesus together, and a family that takes care of one another- both within the church and outside our walls to our greater community.