Walt and Monica Middleton: AIM

Africa Inland Mission has been leading people into meaningful cross-cultural ministry for more than 125 years. We send workers throughout Africa and among African diaspora around the globe. We’re engaged with over 100 unreached people groups and have hundreds of opportunities to join in. The work is often as diverse as the gifts that each member brings, but all of our activities fit within three broad areas of focus:

  • Disciple-making among the unreached
  • Equipping and Mobilizing African churches
  • Serving and supporting the above

AIM is characterized by uncompromising love and a courageous obedience to Christ’s call that takes us to places of uncertainty and, sometimes, insecurity. We go wisely, but in faith – knowing that the One who calls us is faithful. Knowing that we are merely participants in an unstoppable work of God to bring the nations unto him.

Vision - to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread across the continent of Africa – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centered churches.