Baptism Service Oct.20th

Thinking about baptism? Reach out to

Why should we be baptized?

What does baptism mean?

The word 'baptize' means to immerse, to dip, to plunge. When something is baptized it is pushed under the water before emerging again (or not in the case of a sinking ship!). Baptism was a Jewish ritual washing. In the New Testament it is a symbol of cleansing from sin: Acts 22:16. Passing through the water symbolizes the removal of our sin by Jesus' death on our behalf.

In the New Testament this action is also seen as a symbol of our dying with Christ and being raised again to new life.

How should we be baptized?

Christian churches disagree about this. Some say that merely pouring water or touching the forehead with a small drop of water is sufficient. But there are several reasons for insisting that in normal circumstances baptism should be by full immersion.

There is the meaning of the word baptize: i.e. to dip or immerse. It looks very much as if John the Baptist took Jesus down into the river and that he emerged from out of the river (Mark 1:5, 10). John chose to baptize at Aenon because there was plenty of water there (John 3:23); Acts 8:36-39 also seems to indicate full immersion. Also, the symbolism of union with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection which is integral to Paul's argument in Romans 6 is simply not present in any other kind of

baptism. Therefore we should be baptized by immersion.

Who should be baptized?

Again, Christian churches disagree. Many baptize babies of believers on the basis of the Old Testament (OT) practice of circumcising the male children of Jews who were seen as part of the covenant. They say that the promise of God's grace extends to children of believers in the New Testament (NT) church and so it is legitimate to baptize them. The problem with this is that the NT doesn't make this connection with the children of believers. And when the NT connects circumcision with baptism, it assumes that those who are baptized have experienced inner spiritual regeneration: (Colossians 2:11; Philippians 3:3;). Few evangelicals would want to claim this for infants.

In the NT there is no clear example of babies being baptized. The so-called Household Baptisms in Acts (e.g. Acts 16:33-34) seem to stress some kind of active response on behalf of everyone in the household. Moreover there is in the NT a clear order: Believe and be baptized (e.g. Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:32; ) and to baptize infants violates this. For this reason we conclude that only those who can profess faith in Jesus for themselves should be baptized. 

What does baptism do?

It is important to realize that there is nothing magical about baptism. It is a rich symbol, not an act that is powerful in itself. All the same, it is a rich and moving symbol because what it symbolizes is so personal and so important. When we are baptized we are declaring to God, to the church, to our family and friends, to the world and to the devil and all the spirits, good and evil, that we belong to Jesus; that we have decided to follow him; that we have died to our old life and, started a new life which we live with him and in his power. This is an exciting and important declaration and one that helps us in our relationship with the Lord.

LBC and Baptism

At Ladner Baptist Church we are delighted to baptize new converts and other Christians who for a variety of reasons have not been baptized as believers. Candidates discuss baptism and their own personal testimony with the pastor and/or a deacon. We will want to hear about your faith in Christ, what difference it has made, and to be sure that you understand some basic Christian teaching. We baptize believers in good faith that their lives are lived under Christ's lordship, and that there are not visible sins, which we do not know about, which would discredit the witness of the testimony.

Then we arrange a date for your baptism in a convenient service. We encourage you to invite family and friends including non-Christians, who will probably be intrigued! We encourage candidates to give their testimonies in the service. Wear clothes you don't mind getting wet and that are suitably modest! Bring a towel and a change of clothes. 

In the baptistery

In the baptistery you will be asked two questions:

  1. 'X, do you confess that you have turned from sin and placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your saviour and lord?' [answer 'I do']. 
  2. 'And do you promise, depending on God's grace, to serve Christ faithfully in the fellowship of the church, for the rest of your life?' [answer 'I do'].

The pastor will say:

'Then, X, on your profession of faith in Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.' [Bend your knees!]