Meet our leadership
Say hello to the leadership team at Ladner Baptist Church. Got questions for the lead team at LBC? Feel free to email one of us directly or at
Regular Church Office Hours are Monday - Thursday @ 9 AM - 4 PM.
Jeff Germo - Lead Pastor

Jeff and Ruth came to LBC in November 2020 when Jeff answered a call as Interim Pastor. They both hail from Alberta, Ruth being raised on a farm and Jeff in Calgary. They met at Bible College in Calgary in 1986 and have been actively learning how to love each other ever since. Jeff has pastored five churches in BC over the years. At the beginning of their marriage they spent two years in Japan as short-term missionaries teaching ESL as a way to introduce people to Jesus. Both Jeff and Ruth share a passion for leading people to become excited about life with Jesus. They both enjoy the outdoors, including cycling, hiking, kayaking and paddle boarding. Jeff is an avid photographer and if he had time and money he would spend some of it golfing. They are excited and humbled to have the privilege of walking with LBCers to learn how to walk with Jesus together and share His hope with the people of Ladner.
Sabrina Fast - Administrative Director

Together with her husband, Curtis, and three children, Sabrina moved to Ladner in 2001 and started attending LBC in 2010. After becoming a member a year later, she loved being a Sunday School teacher, and serving on the LBC Board as Secretary from 2013-2019. During those years it was her pleasure to do some relief work for LBC’s then Admin Director, Judy, becoming Judy’s part-time Admin Assistant in 2019. When Judy retired Sabrina accepted the Admin Director position. Sabrina loves spreadsheets, word games, good books & movies, knitting, paper crafts, Dr. Pepper, putting on tea parties & dinner parties, travelling, fair-weather camping, and the beach. (She notes that some of these are more in theory than in reality.) But there’s no question that Sabrina loves being part of the Body of Christ at LBC, always learning & growing while we follow Jesus together and share His hope!
John Tolibov - Director of Youth & Media

John came to Canada from Kazakhstan. He joined LBC as Youth and Media Director in November 2024. John loves music, movies and nature.
Danielle Hixt - Interim Children's Director

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